We are very proud of our history here at St. Bede's. We have been part of the Northlake area of Atlanta for over 60 years. St. Bede's is a member of the Episcopal Church and a member of the world-wide Anglican Communion, with an estimated 85 million members in over 165 countries.
St. Bede’s is a sacred place because it is a place where God and the human pilgrimage meet. It is a welcoming community because this is characteristic of the God we serve as followers of Christ – welcoming and affirming people of every race, age, sexuality, culture, ethnicity, gender identity, education, economic circumstances, family configuration, and ability. We believe Jesus the Christ to be the incarnation of God’s love – the God who is reconciling and offering hospitality to the whole world.
Seeking – We are a community blessed by God with inquiring and discerning hearts and with creative imaginations. As Anglicans, our faith is informed by scripture, tradition, and reason. Our faith is alive and living. Through the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, God is active and present in all creation. We seek to join God wherever God is at work in our community and the wider world.
Inviting – We live our faith in a world that is hungry for Good News. We believe that what feeds us at St. Bede’s is worth sharing with others. Therefore, we extend the invitation of God’s grace and love gently and openly to all.
Welcoming – God’s Table is central and open at St. Bede’s. Whoever you are and wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. If you are seeking a way to get involved, there is a place for you to share your gifts!
Serving – True ministry begins when we are fed through worship and are then sent out into the world. St. Bede’s is active and present in the community, in the Diocese of Atlanta, and in the world. Our witness is raised in Spanish and in English. We serve through charity, compassion, generosity, and advocacy.
Growing – We are a community of personal and communal transformation. Each time we gather – whether it be in worship, in fellowship, in a small group, or out in the community - we are opened more fully to grow in the knowledge and love of God.
The vision of St. Bede’s Episcopal Church is to be a growing, thriving church that empowers and encourages Christian maturity. It is a church that cultivates disciples who bear Christ into the world and who also seek-out where God is already active in our neighborhood and through our neighbors. It is a church that is committed to stewardship of all the gifts we have received from God including our environment, our skills, and our financial resources. It is a church that strives to be a model within the Diocese of Atlanta for being an inclusive parish that is committed to welcoming and serving all of its community.
Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 2 pm
and by appointment
Note: The Office is closed on Tuesdays from 10:30 am until Noon for Staff Meeting