On Saturday evening July 21st, 29 people from the parish and the surrounding community gathered in the Parish Hall to eat a meal and watch the movie "The Greatest Showman". Afterwards they had a discussion of where they saw God in the movie. Those in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the food, the movie, and the discussion. If this sounds like something you would enjoy, then don't despair! Each quarter St. Bede's hosts a meal and movie-viewing in the Parish Hall. In fact, this fall there will be two such opportunities.
The adult-oriented movie "Soloist" starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jamie Foxx will be shown on Saturday, September 22 at 5:30pm. The movie is about a journalist (Downey) and a brilliant violinist (Foxx) who is homeless and schizophrenic. The suggested contribution to cover the cost of the meal is $10.00.
The Soloist Movie Trailer can be viewed here.
On Saturday October 27 at noon, there will be an intergenerational version of Popcorn Theology to watch "Coco" which is about honoring and celebrating the Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos). Children as well as adults are invited. The suggested contribution to cover the cost of the meal is $10.00. Join us if you can!
The Coco Movie Trailer can be viewed here.
Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 2 pm
and by appointment
Note: The Office is closed on Tuesdays from 10:30 am until Noon for Staff Meeting