On Sundays April 28th and May 5th, Raz Schreiber is introducing us to a tool called the Spirituality Wheel. This tool was published in the book “Discover Your Spiritual Type”, by Dr. Corinne Ware. Dr. Ware was an Assistant Professor of Ascetical Theology at Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas.
From the book’s preface “The purpose of this book is to enlarge the reader’s consciousness of God, of others who worship God, and of oneself. Specifically, it asks why some people worship one particular way, while others choose a very different way of expressing religious devotion.
In these two Adult Formation Classes we hope to discover what are the actual differences we have in expressing our religious devotion, our spirituality, if you will. The first class (April 28th ) will look at how this tool divides spirituality into 4 groups or “types”. At the end of the first class the Spiritual Type Selector Test will be given out of the participants to do at home.
In the second class (May 5th ) we will discuss the 4 Spiritual Types, what they imply, and how can we use them see a little clearer our own individual ways of our spirituality. This handout will be available on the church website next week. You don’t have to share your own Spiritual Type indicated by the test.
You cand find the Spirituality Wheel test linked below.
Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 2 pm
and by appointment
Note: The Office is closed on Tuesdays from 10:30 am until Noon for Staff Meeting