The Connect Center is designed to serve as "communication central" for St. Bede's. This designated space in the Commons is all about keeping it neat and getting the word out. A place where information can be distributed, you can learn about St. Bede's, drop off donations and sign up for group opportunities.
Here are examples of what you will find in the Connect Center:
If you wish to have something placed in the Connect Center, please give it to Barbara Helms. She will help you maximize your display and find the appropriate display fixtures. She is responsible for putting things out and the timely removable of items. You will be responsible for collecting all donations when the bin is full. All information should be neatly typed. If you need help making an information or sign-up sheet, Barbara will be glad to help. All items will remain for no more than 30 days. No business cards or personal ads are allowed. Please note there are separate bulletin boards for Outreach Information and Children's and Teen's information.
Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 2 pm
and by appointment
Note: The Office is closed on Tuesdays from 10:30 am until Noon for Staff Meeting