St. Bede's VBS for All - Summer 2018
by Jody Klein
I'm SO excited to be coordinating St. Bede's VBS for All this summer. The spark for this came from a conversation with Drew S. about his family's experience with an evening VBS program in Athens, GA some 10 years ago. He described how young and old from the St. Gregory's congregation participated in VBS all together. It sounded like a perfect opportunity to bring our congregation together, young and old, Anglo and Hispanic to share some spirit-filled evenings together in June.
The dates will be Monday, June 25 - Thurs, June 28 , 6-8:30pm. We will provide a simple meal from 6:00-6:30pm followed by 3 opportunities for fun with music, crafts, and games for all.
I'm asking for volunteers to help in the planning and execution of all facets of this program. So if you're interested in helping lead an activity, plan a game, sing a song, please sign up.
Let us know that you'd like to help and we'll be in touch as soon as we've determined the needs of the week.
Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 2 pm
and by appointment
Note: The Office is closed on Tuesdays from 10:30 am until Noon for Staff Meeting