Kim joined St. Bede’s in March of 2020. Her past experiences in church leadership include chairing committees in the areas of Children’s Ministry and Worship, Music and Arts at a variety of mainline churches. Kim is a member of the choir at St. Bede’s and enjoys sharing her musical gifts and collaborating with other musicians at church. She plays and teaches the violin professionally, and her more than forty years of performing in a diverse array of worship services has fostered a passion for exploring the impactful role of the arts in worship, and in the life of the Church in general. Kim and her husband, David Padgett, have a son, Ben, who attends college and occasionally sings in the choir. Kim looks forward to deepening her connection to St. Bede’s and, by serving on the Vestry, hopes to help keep up the momentum in engaging our community with the challenging, transformative and spiritual adventures at St. Bede’s.