We hope that you will come and visit us soon, but don't feel you have to dress up. Whatever makes you comfortable is fine with us.
The entrance to the church parking lot is off of Midvale Road. There is an upper parking lot for visitors and those with mobility issues. Two visitor spots are available in this lot for your use on the first few visits to out church. Take advantage of them. Should they both be taken and if you are able bodied, we invite you to park in the lower lot and take a stroll over one of the bridges and enjoy the grounds.
You will see that we do all of these things at various times. But do not feel compelled to follow along. If you are more comfortable seated, that is fine.
God's table is open to all. If you wish to partake of The Lord's Supper (Holy Eucharist), you will be directed to the altar area by the ushers. You may stand or kneel. Hold your hands out, palms up to receive the Bread. If you need gluten free bread, please ask, it is always available. You may dip your bread in the wine (intinction) or eat the bread and sip from the Cup. If you would rather receive a blessing, cross your arms in front of your chest and the priest will offer a blessing.
Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 2 pm
and by appointment
Note: The Office is closed on Tuesdays from 10:30 am until Noon for Staff Meeting